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Pre Primary

Pre Primary

The Pre-Primary School Program at Mount Litera Zee Schools comprises of Nursery, Lower and Upper Kindergarten (LKG and UKG).

Early childhood education serves as the foundation for all future learning.It is the period of "learning to learn". The MLZS pre primary curriculum is delivered through the 'ILLUME' based approach based on the following premise.

  • Every child is unique.
  • Every child has infinite potential
  • Every child is born with an innate desire to learn
  • Every child learns best through observation
  • Every child learns and constructs her own knowledge in multiple ways.

The 'ILLUME' curriculum focuses on the developmental milestones in the areas of cognitive,language,creative,social and physical development.The learning design leads a child to inquire and seek answers on her own.Questions become the order of the day causing thinking and Creativity thinking and creativity to be the norm.

The integrated method is holistic, child centerd with no compartmentalization of subjects. It seeks to give a completed experience to the child within the child's range of experiences and understanding. This approach goes a long way towards shaping a wholesome and healthy personality and gets her prepared for primary school.